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What was your relationship to the person who died?
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Health data consent

Do you know if the person who died had opted-out of their health record being used for research and planning?
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Details of the person who died

First name
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Last name
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Date of birth
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Date of death
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Age at death
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Address of person who died

What was the usual address of the person who died?
Change name

Details of death

Has their death been registered?
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Do you have access to the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death?
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Do you believe the death is related to COVID-19 (coronavirus)?
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Has anyone else been notified about the death?
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Do you have any concerns about the death?
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Additional details about the person who died

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NHS details of the person who died

NHS Number
Change name
Registered GP surgery
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GP Address
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Your contact details

Full name
Change name
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There appears to be missing data in this summary page. You have left this form on a screen for 30+ minutes without any input. You will need to check though each section and add any missing elements.