Guidance and standards in diabetes for health and care professionals.
What do I need to know about diabetes
Organisation: University of Leeds, Leeds and partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Diabetes UK
Type: Resource
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: This is a step by step easy read guide about diabetes. It advices people on - what to do if they find out they have diabetes and what kind of food is best to have when you have diabetes.
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Undated
Description: Resources to raise awareness of diabetes
Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management
Organisation: NICE
Type: Guidance
Date published: 11.05.23
Description: Diagnosis and treatment guidance on diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management
Diabetes UK: Improving care for people with diabetes and a learning disability
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Resources
Date published:
Description: This is a collection of resources and tools for professionals to improve care for people with a learning disability. Includes easy read information.
Diabetic eye screening
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: September 2018
Description: This easy read guide tells you what is a diabetes eye screening test for people aged 12 years old and older
Eye screening for women with diabetes
Organisation: Public Health England, NHS
Type: Guidance
Date published: February 2017
Description: An easy guide to screening tests when you are pregnant
Health matters: preventing Type 2 Diabetes
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance (general population)
Date published: May 2018
Description: This professional resource outlines how to optimise the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in order to identify those already found to be at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and offer support that will help them reduce their risk of developing the disease.
How to make reasonable adjustments to diabetes care for adults with a learning disability
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Guidance
Date published: 2018
Description: Use this guide to: Deliver diabetes care that is accessible to adults with a learning disability and assess an existing service for its accessibility
Improving Health: Annual Health Checks
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Films and Guidance
Date published: June 2022
Description: Exemplars of AHCs, Films about their importance from people with lived experience, AHCs in secondary care pilot. Published June 2022
Increasing the uptake of Annual Health Checks for people with a learning disability: videos for professionals
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Films
Date published: Oct 2021
Description: Various films for healthcare professionals working in primary care to increase knowledge of AHCs which can check on Diabetes management, support and general wellbeing.
Legal information about diabetes in schools
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Guidance
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: Legal information about diabetes in schools
NICE Impact: People with a Learning Disability
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: Nov 2021
Description: General guidance on working with people with a learning disability including the importance of Annual Health Checks which include Diabetes and staying well
NICE: Diabetes
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: All NICE guidance on Diabetes. Includes guidance, advice and quality standards.
Reasonable Adjustments for people with a learning disability
Organisation: Public Health England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Updated Jan 2020
Description: Guidance on the legal duties for clinicians and others on making reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability under the law.
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability who have diabetes
Organisation: NHS RightCare
Type: Pathway
Date published: Nov 2017
Description: Guidance for commissioners on Diabetes among people with a learning disability and making reasonable adjustments.
Rightcare pathway: Diabetes
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance
Date published: Undated
Description: The diabetes pathway defines the core components of an optimal diabetes service for people with or at risk of developing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes that delivers the better value in terms of outcomes and cost.
Stay Well This Winter
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Guidance booklet
Date published: Winter 2022/23
Description: Easy read version of the Stay Well This Winter guidance, which includes guidance on staying warm, looking after your mental health, vaccinations and more
Tips for autistic adults managing diabetes - Autism Speaks
Organisation: Autism Speaks
Type: Guidance
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: Tips for autistic adults managing diabetes
Type 2 diabetes in adults: management
Organisation: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Type: Guidance
Date published: June 2022
Description: This guideline covers care and management for adults (aged 18 and over) with type 2 diabetes.
Use of reasonable adjustments to reduce health inequalities for people with a learning disability
Organisation: NHS England
Type: Films and Guidance
Date published: Jun 2022
Description: A film about Kareem and his mum Fazilla’s experience of reasonable adjustments and the difference it makes to them when reasonable adjustments are offered.
Weight management for people with learning disabilities
Organisation: The Association of UK Dieticians
Type: Guidance
Date published: Regularly Updated
Description: Resources and policies on reducing health inequalities and supporting food choices, including the policy paper ' Tackling Obesity'.
What is type 1 diabetes - Diabetes UK
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Date published: 21.03.24
What is type 2 diabetes - Diabetes UK
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Date published: 21.03.24
What to do when you have Type 2 diabetes - An easy read guide
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Guidance
Date published:
Description: This easy read document tells you information about type 2 diabetes including - what is type 2 diabetes, letting people know what happens when seeing someone including a doctor or a nurse and Information about treatment
Why Diabetes Check-ups Matter - Easy Read
Organisation: Diabetes UK
Type: Guidance
Date published: 2024
Description: This easy read guide tells you about what to expect before, during and after a diabetes check-up and why they are important